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Natural Interpretation

As concisely as possible:

Natural Interpretation means that Scripture should be taken to mean what it says, allowing for symbollic language, but not allowing for secret 'spiritually discerned' or allegorical meanings.

Natural Interpretation requires contextual considerations of the verse in context with the chapter and Book, and must be taken in context with the original historical audience.

Natural Interpretation also means that the Holy Spirit 'illuminates' Scripture, helping us understand Scripture and helping us apply it to our daily lives, but that the Holy Spirit does not reveal hidden truths about Scripture meaning. This pairs with the Protestant belief of a closed canon, that is, that there is no inspiration of new Scripture by later or modern prophets.

BUT, there are specific considerations to understand and complexities requiring careful handling. There are several mistakes which are commonly made in scriptural interpretation, and questions which need answers. For these reasons, I have presented this section on Natural Interpretation:

 * First, a few definitions

 * The Chicago Statements on Hermeneutics and on Inerrancy

 * Foundations of Natural Biblical Interpretation

 * The Basic Process of interpretation

 * Common Mistakes of New Bible Students

 * Religious & Philosophical Violations of Natural Interpretation

 * Special Notes - Application, Parables, and Implied Teachings

 * Recommended Books

"If you take the text out of context, all you have left is the con."

- Wesley Adams