Do Not Donut!
Year-Round Youth Fundraiser
The best Youth fund-raiser I have ever seen was one we did where the Youth group sold Breakfast Burritos and Muffins, which they distributed by 5 minutes before Sunday School, to the various classes each week.
Some youth came early enought to make the breakfast burritos
Some youth bought mixes and made muffins at home, bringing them when they came
Sunday School classes had standing orders for what they wanted every week, and 'extras' were available at the time of delivery.
Different youth delivered to all the different classes simultanously, and would be done in a minute or two, so all deliveries happened very quickly
Youth got to eat the extras for free each week, and it turned out to be an effective fundraiser
The weekly teamwork had a very positive influence on the Youth group!
See the 2-page PPT Slides (PDF)
The first slide was posted in various places, both slides were posted in the kitchen area.