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Software King James Version

Information and Review

by Daniel Stanfield

Information regarding the KJV 1900 - Pure Cambridge Edition (KJVPCE)

KJV 1900 - Pure Cambridge Edition (KJVPCE) - It used to be that there were two primary 'printer editions' of the KJV Bible, the Oxford 1769, used by Thomas Nelson (and many others) has been the standard version, at least in the U.S., and the Cambridge 1873, published by Cambridge University Press, popularly used in Europe. Essentially, the differences between the two are very minor revisions comprised of spellings, captialization, etc., not variations in the text. Recently (2013?), the KJV 1900 has emmerged, and (unfortunately) has been named the "Pure Cambridge Edition".

As far as I can tell, This 'new/not-new' edit-version is distributed by Faithlife (Logos developer/parent), is an extremely minor revision of one or more Cambridge University Press edition(s) published "circa 1900-1970s," and is significant primarily as the latest standard form of Electronic KJV text used by Logos software. To date, I have NOT been able to confirm the publication information for this edition, and the (very short) revision list I have seen includes only 12 items; a few spelling and capitalization changes, one instance of changing an 'and' to 'or', and one instance of changing a plural noun to a single noun.

If I was being cynical, I would say that Faithlife developed the version from the 1900-1970s Cambridge editions expresssly in order to have a $ licensable $ edition of the KJV for their Logos software, where I understand this 'printer edition' is used for their 'King James Version' and the copyright-free Oxford 1769 edition is used for their 'Authorized Version.' In the end, my take-away is that the KJV 1900, a.k.a. KJVPCE, aka Pure Cambridge Edition, is not a divergent revision, but is a trustworthy 'normal' KJV text with no discernable distinctions, in terms of use and reading.

(C) Copyright 2024, 2025 Daniels Stanfield. This document may be distributed freely, but may not be sold or modified.