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About the Author

Daniel Stanfield


My name is Daniel Stanfield. I am both the primary author and the webmaster for BibleSanity.org, located near Dallas, Texas. I would describe myself as a life-long Christian worker and a careful expository Bible teacher.

Who is 'We'? I say 'We' in the Statement of Faith and a few other places. That detailed Statement of Faith (excluding the Summary) is used with permission from my Bible College. It represents commonly held beliefs of the schools and churches with whom I associate. Other uses of 'We' are in other documents from other particular bodies, such as the "The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy," which was written by consensus by a number of authors. Since this website is not affiliated with any organization, any uses of 'We' must be provided by context.

My wife and family - I've been married to my wife, Zina, since 1986. Zina is the daughter of a Southern Baptist minister, studied with me at Tyndale (see below), and has always been active in the ministry, especially in children and youth ministries. We've raised 4 of our own children, and now enjoy being grandparents.

My Church memberships have been with Baptist churches or Non-denominational Bible churches. I am conservative, evangelical, non-charismatic, and non-ecumenical. I am currently a member of Countryside Baptist in Mansfield, TX.

My Personal Faith - I was raised in an independent Baptist church and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior during the summer between 9th and 10th grade. At the tail-end of my Senior year of high school, I fully committed to serve God. I was then baptized, surrendering to His call to the ministry in the following months.

By Profession, I am a technical writer and corporate trainer. My vocational background includes electronics and programming. I'm also a US Marine and a lifetime chess player. My personality and background are reflected in my Bible study - I tend to be very analytical, application-based, and take Scripture very seriously!

My Bible education

My Ministerial background

Please feel free to contact me with any feedback or questions!

In Christ,

Daniel J. Stanfield

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