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Legal Notices - BibleSanity.org

Legal Notices

  1. BibleSanity.org is a personal website of Daniel Stanfield, consisting of original and public domain graphics, original articles, notes, and commentary, collected works, and works contributed through online networking. BibleSanity.org has no affiliations with any corporate entity or organization, and is not associated with any specific religious denomination or association.

  2. The name, "BibleSanity.org" (or "Bible Sanity") is not based on any published work, or existing site, organization, or any other entity known to me at the time of this writing, and has been in public use as the name of my personal internet website since September 15, 2007.

  3. The appropriate method of contacting the author/webmaster of this site for any reason at all is to e-mail me at the following address:


  4. I have not charged any subscriptions or other fees or otherwise directly profited from any use of this site. This is not a commercial site and does not serve any commercial purpose. BibleSanity.org does not accept donations, and no contributions are requested.

  5. All instruction, advice, reviews, and commentary posted at BibleSanity.org represent the personal opinions of the author and/or his contributors and do not constitute professional advice. Likewise, the personal opinions of the author and/or his contributors do not represent the opinions of any specific denominations or other organizations.

  6. All provided links are listed for reference only, and do not imply any endorsement or approval of the linked organization or its products by Bible Sanity.org. Bible Sanity.org attempts to provide links which are useful and family-friendly, but cannot control material outside our own site, and explicitly disclaims any responsibility for content accessed through these links.

  7. Copyright Daniel Stanfield

      Site Copyright - Any part of this site which is not otherwised noted is Copyright 2007-2025 by Daniel Stanfield, with All rights reserved. This includes all website elements and web page content.

      Copyright WITH Permission for Free Distribution - Many instances of text content (generally, articles on this site) which are the orignal works of Daniel Stanfield are copyrighted, but grant permission for free distribution. These statements include a restriction against selling or modification. I maintain copyright on these documents in order to protect myself and my content. These documents may not be sold. I ask that these works not be modified (other than formatting), be accredited to me, and optionaly, linked back to this site.

      Copyright WITHOUT permission for Free Distribution - Some of my original material is copyrighted with all rights reserved, WITHOUT additional statements granting free distribution. These works may not be used or distributed without permission.

      If you have any question regarding use of my material, please do not hesitate to ask!

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      Copyright - Contributing Authors - All materials which are the works of other authors retain the copyrights of their respective authors. All text content and graphics which are orignal works of contributing authors or organizations will include a copy of the copyright statement found in the source document, publication, or web site, or as will be marked as specified in permission instructions. If no other instructions are given and source documents are not marked, then the documents are assumed public domain and no statement will be posted.

      Copyrighted Works cited by BibleSanity.org - I have used portions of some copyrighted material without specific permission, typically of a reasonable quantity not to exceed 10% of any individual source work and comprising no more than 25% of the work using the copyrighted material. If you own copyrights to any of the published work represented here, please consider this a request to continue to post these works to the degree which they already exist. If requested, I will gladly remove the material or post appropriate notifications.

      Copyright Unknown - I have used some written material and graphic images of unknown copyright status on this site. These works are assumed to be public domain. If you own copyrights to any material or images posted on my site, please notify me. I will gladly either remove the material or post appropriate notification with any applicable e-mail/URL links.

      Inappropriately Unmarked Works on BibleSanity.org - If you own or positively identify copyrighted material which is not marked on BibleSanity.org, please contact me as soon as possible. I will gladly remove the work(s) permenantly, or will obtain permission from the owner to post with proper notification.

      If you are the owner of an unmarked copyrighted work posted on BibleSanity.org, please contact me as soon as possible, and also, please consider this a request to continue to post the works to the degree which they already exist, once the works bear the appropriate copyright statement(s). I am generally willing to use any specific statement wording, additional text, and/or URL/mail links if requested.

      If you are NOT the owner of the unmarked work(s) of which you are notifying BibleSanity.org, please be as specific and helpful as possible when you contact me, so that I can quickly obtain permission, or verify the copyright status - one way or the other. I have no intention of violating copyrights on my site.

  9. No Use of Generative AI - I do not post AI generated content, nor do I use AI generated content as source material for posted content.

    I do not preclude the use of generative AI in my personal research as it has proven very useful in locating obscure information though detailed queries, but AI offers limited utility for scriptural studies due to the generalized nature and unreliable accuracy of generated responses.

  10. No Use of Cookies or Advertising - My website does not make use of cookies to capture any form of data. BibleSanity.org is limited to presentation of hyperlinked content, without any dynamic interaction with visitors. This includes not using scripts to parse browser type or screen resolutions. To my knowledge, and as tested in 2024, no cookies are being used by my website without my knowlede, i.e. by my hosting services or other third parties.

    Also, I do not use advertising on my site. This is done for a clean user experience, but also helps avoid undesired data captures by third party entities.

In Christ,

Daniel J. Stanfield