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Weekly Lessons

In the Beginning
Genesis Ch's 1-25

Zip of all documents
In the Beginning.zip

Viewable PDF files:

  1. Introduction

  2. Days 1-3

  3. Days 4-7

  4. Days 7 and 6

  5. The Fall

  6. The Fall (cont.)

  7. Cain and Abel

  8. Antediluvian Man

  9. Flood

  10. External Links in lieu of Handouts for Week 9, Last accessed 2022

    1) Noah's Ark - Modern Recreation

    2) Extensive List of Flood 'Myths' from ancient cultures all over the world

  11. Flood part 2

  12. Flood part 3

  13. Noahic Covenant

  14. Abraham, Gen 11-13

  15. Abraham, Gen 14

  16. Abraham, Gen 15

  17. Abraham, Gen 16-17

  18. Abraham, Gen 18-19

  19. Abraham, Gen 20-21

  20. Abraham, Gen 22

  21. Abraham, Gen 25

(C) Copyright 2013-2014 Daniel Stanfield. These lessons may be distributed freely, but may not be sold or modified.

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