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Bible Study Library

Below is a list of the most essential references for solid, expository and topical Bible study, grouped from most important to most optional. Within each group the listing is in no particular order, and every individual will have their own particular interests and circumstances. In every category, books should be selected with counsel from pastors or professors regarding the authors, and particular titles.

The Foundation

That's it. That's the foundation of a good Bible Study library - you need all of them, but you can get by very well with just these four books.

Desktop Reference Level

Bookshelf Level

Your Bookshelf is something that should grow as slowly as possible, as it can become immense if not restrained.

Electronic Level - Online or Software/CD

(See my Online Resources Page.)

(C) Copyright 2022 Daniel Stanfield. This document may be distributed freely, but may not be sold or modified.